So, here we are in 2022. Several things have changed but there are a few things that have remained the same; such as holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and anything else you can think of. I began looking for an opportunity to start my own business and I wanted to go into a niche that was not was not common in this area. I started looking into the idea of balloon stuffing.
For those of you who don't know balloon stuffing is the art of taking an 18" stuffing balloon and reversely inflating the balloon, meaning, the ballon is basically sucked by force to conform to the shape of the container of the machine. Items can be stuffed inside the balloon and the balloon will stay reversly inflated while you are stuffed in the balloon. These are very unique gifts and they are very cute when you think about it. Little kids will love to receive a stuffed balloon so that they can pop it to get their goodies.
It really interested me because after I conducted an Internet search to see how many different people in our area offer this service, there were very, very few. So I thought I would take this idea and run with it. I've had a great joy in creating the gifts that we have done thus far and I look forward to doing many, many more. I've also taken the time to actually research balloon stuffing machines, which run anywhere from $300 to $2000. I was not looking to pay that amount.
I got on YouTube and I found several different people who have actually built their own balloon stuffers. I'm actually really handy so I thought I would take a shot at building my own. I had fun with the very 1st one, however I did find issues when it came to stuffing the balloon and being able to see the items that are stuffed into the balloon. I had to go back to the drawing board and improvise. I'm going to, in the next few posts, tell you the different techniques I used to build two custom balloon stuffers to use for my business. I hope this helps out someone who is looking into getting into this business. I'm also willing to build the balloon stuff for you, however, it will require that you purchase the items and then bring them to me and I will build it for you.
For any good DIYer, I have some very full proof instructions on how to build your very own balloon stuffer. Stay tuned.